Irene’s Power
Despite smacking the United States with less force than expected, Hurricane Irene packed a powerful punch.
September 02, 2011
By Joe Levit
On August 24, Hurricane Irene barreled through the Bahamas as a Category 3 monster, with 115 mile-per-hour wind speeds. The giant storm had communities along the U.S. East Coast preparing for the worst.
Thousands of people were evacuated from South and North Carolina. And further north, New York City—which prides itself as “the city that never sleeps”—decided to take a nap. It shut down its entire public transportation system before Irene paid a visit.
When the storm made landfall in North Carolina, it had been downgraded to a Category 1 hurricane. And by the time it reached New York, it ranked as a tropical storm. But regardless of the labels, Irene packed the powerful punch of Mother Nature.
The Damage
Irene roughed up the shoreline everywhere. In East Haven, Connecticut, more than 20 homes were ground into rubble by the storm’s smashing surf.
But worse than any storm surge was the rainwater dumped on interior regions. More than 12 inches of rain overwhelmed parts of Vermont and New York State.
The downpour turned peaceful streams and rivers into roaring waterways. Historic bridges were destroyed in Vermont. In some places, cars were tossed about like toys. “We were expecting flooding,” said Bobbi-Jean Jeun, of Clarksville, New York. “We weren’t expecting devastation.”
How It Happened
According to New Jersey State Climatologist David Robinson, this August was one of the wettest on record for many areas in the Northeast. Irene added more water to already soggy areas. “The ground and rivers were well primed for a massive flooding event,” he told TFK.
But the hurricane (see “Inside a Storm”) set everything in motion. Hurricanes form over ocean water that is at least 80°F. When disturbed air moves into such an area—where water is rapidly evaporating and falling again—the air begins to move in a circular motion. Once winds reach 74 miles per hour, you’ve got a hurricane.
Communities Clean Up
Early estimates put the cost of the storm’s damage as high as $10 billion. As soon as skies cleared, communities began cleanup efforts. Power companies faced the challenge of restoring electricity to 5 million customers. Many downed trees had to be removed.
President Barack Obama has declared Vermont a federal disaster area. Officials there are using helicopters to airlift supplies to towns. “We prepared for the worst,” said Vermont’s Governor Peter Shumlin. “And we got the worst.”
1000909 Irene’s Power-Michael
Hurricane Irene has brought the United States a lot of damages. Not only destroy a lot of places but also let a lot of people don’t have house to live. This August is one of the wettest on record for many areas in the Northeast. Irene also brings a lot of rain, too. Why are there hurricanes? If the temperature starts to get higher, the ocean’s temperature will also get higher. This cause the water evaporates quickly and then fall down again. The air will starts to move in a circular motion. If the wind speed reaches to seventy two miles per hour then a hurricane is formed. Once a hurricane is formed people have to be very careful to the hurricane. If the hurricane hits towards us then the damage of the hurricane will be very serious. On the other hand, hurricanes can bring us a lot of water and make our weather different, so maybe hurricanes aren’t that bad to our lifes.
2011年9月9日 星期五
2011年9月3日 星期六
1000903What makes a good teacher-Michael
1000903What makes a good teacher-Michael
Some teachers are good but some teachers are bad. A good teacher can help student to know more what they want and teach student more knowledge. What makes a good teacher? I think a good teacher needs to be hard working and active. They always need to think of students and help out students. They also need a lot of patience and perseverance because some students are naughty, energetic. Students will run around the classroom or do something crazy such as yelling around the school. Teachers have to plan very carefully, make connection with students and encourage students to think about what they need.
The best teacher that I have ever met is my junior high school teacher. She is a very aggressive teacher. She has a lot of passion in teaching. She always tell us a lot of tips of not to give up and working hard. She gave us a lot of examples of how to study and getting better grades. She always tells us not to give up! If we keep going we will succeed and get a good senior high school. What my teacher encourage me give me the motive to keep on studying and learn more things. So I keep studying and my grades become better. I want to thank my teacher for encouraging me.
I think the condition of being a good teacher not only needs a lot of knowledge and experience but also have the emotion of teaching. Some teachers don’t really want to teach students, all they want is their salary they don’t care about how students study. These teachers are worst teachers. So good teacher can be train by their own and the environment.
Some teachers are good but some teachers are bad. A good teacher can help student to know more what they want and teach student more knowledge. What makes a good teacher? I think a good teacher needs to be hard working and active. They always need to think of students and help out students. They also need a lot of patience and perseverance because some students are naughty, energetic. Students will run around the classroom or do something crazy such as yelling around the school. Teachers have to plan very carefully, make connection with students and encourage students to think about what they need.
The best teacher that I have ever met is my junior high school teacher. She is a very aggressive teacher. She has a lot of passion in teaching. She always tell us a lot of tips of not to give up and working hard. She gave us a lot of examples of how to study and getting better grades. She always tells us not to give up! If we keep going we will succeed and get a good senior high school. What my teacher encourage me give me the motive to keep on studying and learn more things. So I keep studying and my grades become better. I want to thank my teacher for encouraging me.
I think the condition of being a good teacher not only needs a lot of knowledge and experience but also have the emotion of teaching. Some teachers don’t really want to teach students, all they want is their salary they don’t care about how students study. These teachers are worst teachers. So good teacher can be train by their own and the environment.
2011年8月26日 星期五
1000827 Quake Rattles East Coast-Michael
Quake Rattles East Coast
Officials survey the damage after a rare earthquake strikes Virginia
August 24, 2011
By Vickie An
Susy Ward (center) and her colleagues gather outside their office building in downtown Washington, D.C., moments after the earthquake struck on Tuesday afternoon.
As the earth rumbled beneath their feet, tens of millions of people along the East Coast wondered, What was that? The surprising answer: an earthquake! The rare quake, centered in Mineral, Virginia, struck just before 2 p.m. Eastern Time. It was felt in 20 states, from as far south as Georgia, as far north as Canada and as far west as Indiana. The magnitude 5.8 temblor was the strongest to hit the East Coast since 1944.
Fortunately, there were no serious injuries or known deaths. Offices and federal buildings were evacuated as alarmed workers spilled onto the sidewalks. In Mineral, debris and shattered window glass littered the streets, grocery stores were wrecked and homes were damaged. Many people, not wanting to return indoors, stayed outside even after the ground settled.
Mineral resident Carmen Bonano was at home with her 1-year-old granddaughter when the shaking began. “The fridge came down off the wall and things started falling,” Bonano said, her voice still quivering. “I just pushed the refrigerator out of the way, grabbed the baby and ran.”
Debris covers the floor of a grocery store in Mineral, Virginia, the epicenter of Tuesday’s quake.
An Unusual Event
Earthquakes are far less common on the East Coast than on the West Coast. In fact, since 1900, there have been 50 quakes measuring magnitude 5.8 or greater just in California. The largest East Coast jolt on record was a magnitude 7.3 quake that struck South Carolina in 1886. Tuesday’s tremor came a day after a strong earthquake caused minor damage in the Colorado area.
A few aftershocks, ranging in magnitude from 2.2 to 4.8, followed the Virginia quake. The U.S. Geological Survey says the tremor struck at a shallow 3.7 miles below the Earth’s surface and lasted 20-30 seconds. Scientists say they may never be able to map the exact location of the fault line, the point where the quake struck.
In Washington, D.C., the National Park Service closed all monuments until the structures could be inspected. No major damages were reported, but engineers did find a crack near the top of the Washington Monument. The 555-foot landmark will be closed until further notice. Washington’s National Cathedral also developed cracks and broken capstones. Several buildings in the nation’s capital remained closed on Wednesday.
For the most part, the quake mainly shook people’s nerves. Craig Fugate is the head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. He says the tremor served as a good reminder for residents to always be prepared. “We talk about hurricanes this time of year, but we forget that a) earthquakes don’t have a season, and b) they are not just a western hazard,” Fugate said in an interview on ABC’s Good Morning America.
1000827 Quake Rattles East Coast-Michael
Earthquakes in eastern America is very rare. People don’t usually have earthquakes at there so people are very scared of earthquakes. In Taiwan, people usually have earthquakes because Taiwan is on the tectonic plate. The earthquake in Mineral, Virginia struck just before 2 p.m. Eastern Time. It was felt in 20 states, from as far south as Georgia, as far north as Canada and as far west as Indiana. The magnitude was 5.8. It was the strongest to hit the East Coast since 1944. Fortunately, there was nobody injured and nobody was dead. Earthquakes are scary but if the aren’t any earthquake the earth will not change and new lands will not be create so the planet will be very boring itwill be all the same and never change. So, small earthquakes are good for our planet but big earthquakes may cause death. I think earthquakes is good for our life.
Officials survey the damage after a rare earthquake strikes Virginia
August 24, 2011
By Vickie An
Susy Ward (center) and her colleagues gather outside their office building in downtown Washington, D.C., moments after the earthquake struck on Tuesday afternoon.
As the earth rumbled beneath their feet, tens of millions of people along the East Coast wondered, What was that? The surprising answer: an earthquake! The rare quake, centered in Mineral, Virginia, struck just before 2 p.m. Eastern Time. It was felt in 20 states, from as far south as Georgia, as far north as Canada and as far west as Indiana. The magnitude 5.8 temblor was the strongest to hit the East Coast since 1944.
Fortunately, there were no serious injuries or known deaths. Offices and federal buildings were evacuated as alarmed workers spilled onto the sidewalks. In Mineral, debris and shattered window glass littered the streets, grocery stores were wrecked and homes were damaged. Many people, not wanting to return indoors, stayed outside even after the ground settled.
Mineral resident Carmen Bonano was at home with her 1-year-old granddaughter when the shaking began. “The fridge came down off the wall and things started falling,” Bonano said, her voice still quivering. “I just pushed the refrigerator out of the way, grabbed the baby and ran.”
Debris covers the floor of a grocery store in Mineral, Virginia, the epicenter of Tuesday’s quake.
An Unusual Event
Earthquakes are far less common on the East Coast than on the West Coast. In fact, since 1900, there have been 50 quakes measuring magnitude 5.8 or greater just in California. The largest East Coast jolt on record was a magnitude 7.3 quake that struck South Carolina in 1886. Tuesday’s tremor came a day after a strong earthquake caused minor damage in the Colorado area.
A few aftershocks, ranging in magnitude from 2.2 to 4.8, followed the Virginia quake. The U.S. Geological Survey says the tremor struck at a shallow 3.7 miles below the Earth’s surface and lasted 20-30 seconds. Scientists say they may never be able to map the exact location of the fault line, the point where the quake struck.
In Washington, D.C., the National Park Service closed all monuments until the structures could be inspected. No major damages were reported, but engineers did find a crack near the top of the Washington Monument. The 555-foot landmark will be closed until further notice. Washington’s National Cathedral also developed cracks and broken capstones. Several buildings in the nation’s capital remained closed on Wednesday.
For the most part, the quake mainly shook people’s nerves. Craig Fugate is the head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. He says the tremor served as a good reminder for residents to always be prepared. “We talk about hurricanes this time of year, but we forget that a) earthquakes don’t have a season, and b) they are not just a western hazard,” Fugate said in an interview on ABC’s Good Morning America.
1000827 Quake Rattles East Coast-Michael
Earthquakes in eastern America is very rare. People don’t usually have earthquakes at there so people are very scared of earthquakes. In Taiwan, people usually have earthquakes because Taiwan is on the tectonic plate. The earthquake in Mineral, Virginia struck just before 2 p.m. Eastern Time. It was felt in 20 states, from as far south as Georgia, as far north as Canada and as far west as Indiana. The magnitude was 5.8. It was the strongest to hit the East Coast since 1944. Fortunately, there was nobody injured and nobody was dead. Earthquakes are scary but if the aren’t any earthquake the earth will not change and new lands will not be create so the planet will be very boring itwill be all the same and never change. So, small earthquakes are good for our planet but big earthquakes may cause death. I think earthquakes is good for our life.
1000805 Creating my own universe
1000805 Creating my own universe-Michael
1. A lot of suns in the middle of every solar system
2. 7 planets surrounding it
3. from small planet to big planet
4. use the color as rainbow
5. putting black holes and comets and stars
6. connect the suns in to orders
Why does this kind of universe exist?
The connections of the sun make the universe neat and tidy which can also let people easy to know the difference between each solar system. Each solar system has seven planets with different color which makes the universe more colorful. Different color of planets have their own ore and medicinal herbs. Making the planet in different size can emphasize each planet’s unique and characteristic. Different size of planets have their own science and technology. With this kind of organization, people can know space more clearly. They can observe more constellations and research about the stars and comets. People who live in the universe can go to other solar system by using a special entrance which can telport the people to other solar system. There is also big space shuttles in the solar system that can send passengers to other planets in their solar system.
Person in the universe.
Why does this kind of universe exist?
Max Dent thinks the whole universe is beautiful. He likes to travel through other planets to see what other planets look like. He goes to other solar system to see the science and technology of other planets. Max thinks the whole universe exists for trip and gets more information from other planets. He takes his own luggage, camera, and a telecope going to take a trip around the universe. He uses the space shuttle which can go through other planets in the same solar system. He discovered that some of the planets have high technology and some have developed agriculture. He think the universe is very wonderful and special. He wants to go to other solar system to see other things.
Not related person
Why does this kind of universe exist?
Max Xam thinks other universes are all poop. He didn’t know there is a universe that has beautiful planets and solar system. It is very new for him to see this kind of universe. He wants to go inside and take a deeper look in the universe. When he gets in he see there are a lot of solar systems. He chooses one of the solar systems and goes in. He sees the beautiful planets of the solar system so he starts to change the way he see other universes. In the planet there has beautiful scenery and delicious foods that Max has never seen and tasted before. Max thinks it is very peculiar he wants to try something even better. The people on the planet is very friendly and enthusiastic. They invite Max to have a feast with them. Max thinks this planet and the universe is very friendly and the things at the universe taste well. He is thinking of moving to this beautiful place.
1. A lot of suns in the middle of every solar system
2. 7 planets surrounding it
3. from small planet to big planet
4. use the color as rainbow
5. putting black holes and comets and stars
6. connect the suns in to orders
Why does this kind of universe exist?
The connections of the sun make the universe neat and tidy which can also let people easy to know the difference between each solar system. Each solar system has seven planets with different color which makes the universe more colorful. Different color of planets have their own ore and medicinal herbs. Making the planet in different size can emphasize each planet’s unique and characteristic. Different size of planets have their own science and technology. With this kind of organization, people can know space more clearly. They can observe more constellations and research about the stars and comets. People who live in the universe can go to other solar system by using a special entrance which can telport the people to other solar system. There is also big space shuttles in the solar system that can send passengers to other planets in their solar system.
Person in the universe.
Why does this kind of universe exist?
Max Dent thinks the whole universe is beautiful. He likes to travel through other planets to see what other planets look like. He goes to other solar system to see the science and technology of other planets. Max thinks the whole universe exists for trip and gets more information from other planets. He takes his own luggage, camera, and a telecope going to take a trip around the universe. He uses the space shuttle which can go through other planets in the same solar system. He discovered that some of the planets have high technology and some have developed agriculture. He think the universe is very wonderful and special. He wants to go to other solar system to see other things.
Not related person
Why does this kind of universe exist?
Max Xam thinks other universes are all poop. He didn’t know there is a universe that has beautiful planets and solar system. It is very new for him to see this kind of universe. He wants to go inside and take a deeper look in the universe. When he gets in he see there are a lot of solar systems. He chooses one of the solar systems and goes in. He sees the beautiful planets of the solar system so he starts to change the way he see other universes. In the planet there has beautiful scenery and delicious foods that Max has never seen and tasted before. Max thinks it is very peculiar he wants to try something even better. The people on the planet is very friendly and enthusiastic. They invite Max to have a feast with them. Max thinks this planet and the universe is very friendly and the things at the universe taste well. He is thinking of moving to this beautiful place.
1000820 Write your own news article-Michael
1000820 Write your own news article-Michael
Tobacco and alcohol are bad for our health. If we keep smoking and drinking alcohol, we will die more quickly. Smoking is bad because any tobacco product contains nicotine (an extremely addictive drug) which can mess with our brain. Alcohol is a depressant so it affects our emotions. Dr. Ben Kim says, “Both alcohol and tobacco have been assessed to be more dangerous than illegal drugs like marijuana or ecstasy”.
Smoking causes addiction, coughing, bronchitis, asthma, damage to your lungs, smelly hair and clothes, yellow teeth and bad breath. These are just the short term effects. The long term effects include cardiovascular disease (heart attacks and strokes), lung cancer, chronic bronchitis, emphysema (a lung disease where a person has a really hard time breathing), reproductive problems, and birth defects in kids. According to the USA Health Watch we are having a total of 97 billion US dollars in health care costs and lost productivity.
Chewing tobacco has horrible side effects. The short term effects of chewing tobacco are addiction, receding gums, yellow teeth, tooth decay, drooling and smelly hair and clothes. Long term effects include stomach cancer, heart problems and reproductive problems. Some people like smoking or chewing tobacco because nicotine makes them feel good and keeps them focused, however nicotine is addictive. If we eat nicotine we will feel dizzy and won’t walk straight. Quit Smoking Central reports, “Once off nicotine stimulation in a smoker is immediately followed by depression and fatigue creating a new round of nicotine craving.” This is why starting a tobacco habit can be life altering in a bad way.
Like all other drugs, alcohol messes with our brain. People like alcohol because it decreases their inhibitions, and they feel that they can have a lot more fun that way. A lot of these people end up drinking too much and vomiting for most of the night while not being able to see straight, walk straight, or speak clearly. When we are drunk we might not know what we are doing. We might fight with somebody and get hurt yet not be able to remember anything we did. Alcohol poisoning happens when the above symptoms escalte rapidly and there is too much alcohol in your blood. It can lead to brain damage, pneumonia, lung problems, coma or even death. So drinking alcohol is also bad.
People who smoke’s chance of getting oral cavity cancer is eighteen times that of people who don’t smoke. If they also drink alcohol, they will have a one hundred and twenty three times greater chance of getting oral cancer as opposed to a normal person. So people should not drink alcohol and smoke or you will die very quickly. You should go to the hospital as soon as possible if you have these problems.
In 2006, more than 19% of drivers ages 16 to 20 who died in motor vehicle crashes had been drinking alcohol.
Turn Off Your TV!
A new study reveals that watching less television may lead to a longer life
August 17, 2011
By Alice Park
Sitting in front of the television may be relaxing, but spending too much time in front of the tube may take years off your life.
That's what Australian researchers found when they collected TV viewing information from more than 11,000 people older than 25 years. The study found that people who watched an average six hours of TV a day lived an average 4.8 years less than those who didn't watch any television. Also, every hour of TV that participants watched after age 25 was associated with a 22-minute reduction in their life expectancy.
What’s Going On?
It's no mystery that sitting in front of the tube isn't exactly healthy. The more TV you watch, the less physically active you are. And the less exercise you get, the more likely you are to develop diseases such as diabetes or heart problems.
Lennert Veerman is the lead author of the study, which was published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. Veerman works at the University of Queensland. He acknowledges that it may not just be the sedentary nature of watching TV that lowers life expectancy, but also the poor diet that onscreen junk-food advertising can promote. But Veerman says that the association between watching too much TV and lower life expectancy persisted, even after adjusting for diet.
Veerman says that it might make sense for doctors to start asking their patients about how much time they spend in front of the TV, and to treat TV time as they would other risk factors for poor health, such as lack of exercise and an unhealthy diet.
Veerman points out that people who are concerned can simply turn off the TV and gett off the couch. "Exercise is good," he says, "but even light physical activity also improves health."
We have to get more exercise and stop being like a couch potato or you will not only get fatter but also die quickly. The study found that people who watched an average six hours of TV a day lived an average 4.8 years less than those who didn't watch any television. So that means if you watch an hour of TV you will die twenty two minutes more quickly than you should live. If you exercise fifteen minutes everyday you will live three years longer than you could. So get out of your sofas and go out to exercise.
Tobacco and alcohol are bad for our health. If we keep smoking and drinking alcohol, we will die more quickly. Smoking is bad because any tobacco product contains nicotine (an extremely addictive drug) which can mess with our brain. Alcohol is a depressant so it affects our emotions. Dr. Ben Kim says, “Both alcohol and tobacco have been assessed to be more dangerous than illegal drugs like marijuana or ecstasy”.
Smoking causes addiction, coughing, bronchitis, asthma, damage to your lungs, smelly hair and clothes, yellow teeth and bad breath. These are just the short term effects. The long term effects include cardiovascular disease (heart attacks and strokes), lung cancer, chronic bronchitis, emphysema (a lung disease where a person has a really hard time breathing), reproductive problems, and birth defects in kids. According to the USA Health Watch we are having a total of 97 billion US dollars in health care costs and lost productivity.
Chewing tobacco has horrible side effects. The short term effects of chewing tobacco are addiction, receding gums, yellow teeth, tooth decay, drooling and smelly hair and clothes. Long term effects include stomach cancer, heart problems and reproductive problems. Some people like smoking or chewing tobacco because nicotine makes them feel good and keeps them focused, however nicotine is addictive. If we eat nicotine we will feel dizzy and won’t walk straight. Quit Smoking Central reports, “Once off nicotine stimulation in a smoker is immediately followed by depression and fatigue creating a new round of nicotine craving.” This is why starting a tobacco habit can be life altering in a bad way.
Like all other drugs, alcohol messes with our brain. People like alcohol because it decreases their inhibitions, and they feel that they can have a lot more fun that way. A lot of these people end up drinking too much and vomiting for most of the night while not being able to see straight, walk straight, or speak clearly. When we are drunk we might not know what we are doing. We might fight with somebody and get hurt yet not be able to remember anything we did. Alcohol poisoning happens when the above symptoms escalte rapidly and there is too much alcohol in your blood. It can lead to brain damage, pneumonia, lung problems, coma or even death. So drinking alcohol is also bad.
People who smoke’s chance of getting oral cavity cancer is eighteen times that of people who don’t smoke. If they also drink alcohol, they will have a one hundred and twenty three times greater chance of getting oral cancer as opposed to a normal person. So people should not drink alcohol and smoke or you will die very quickly. You should go to the hospital as soon as possible if you have these problems.
In 2006, more than 19% of drivers ages 16 to 20 who died in motor vehicle crashes had been drinking alcohol.
Turn Off Your TV!
A new study reveals that watching less television may lead to a longer life
August 17, 2011
By Alice Park
Sitting in front of the television may be relaxing, but spending too much time in front of the tube may take years off your life.
That's what Australian researchers found when they collected TV viewing information from more than 11,000 people older than 25 years. The study found that people who watched an average six hours of TV a day lived an average 4.8 years less than those who didn't watch any television. Also, every hour of TV that participants watched after age 25 was associated with a 22-minute reduction in their life expectancy.
What’s Going On?
It's no mystery that sitting in front of the tube isn't exactly healthy. The more TV you watch, the less physically active you are. And the less exercise you get, the more likely you are to develop diseases such as diabetes or heart problems.
Lennert Veerman is the lead author of the study, which was published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. Veerman works at the University of Queensland. He acknowledges that it may not just be the sedentary nature of watching TV that lowers life expectancy, but also the poor diet that onscreen junk-food advertising can promote. But Veerman says that the association between watching too much TV and lower life expectancy persisted, even after adjusting for diet.
Veerman says that it might make sense for doctors to start asking their patients about how much time they spend in front of the TV, and to treat TV time as they would other risk factors for poor health, such as lack of exercise and an unhealthy diet.
Veerman points out that people who are concerned can simply turn off the TV and gett off the couch. "Exercise is good," he says, "but even light physical activity also improves health."
We have to get more exercise and stop being like a couch potato or you will not only get fatter but also die quickly. The study found that people who watched an average six hours of TV a day lived an average 4.8 years less than those who didn't watch any television. So that means if you watch an hour of TV you will die twenty two minutes more quickly than you should live. If you exercise fifteen minutes everyday you will live three years longer than you could. So get out of your sofas and go out to exercise.
1000814 Creating a kingdom-Michael
1000814 Creating a kingdom-Michael
My kingdom is located in the middle of a sea which is seperate from other land. The name of my kingdom is called “Greed Island”. It is a big land that has a lot of trees and forests. It has seven cities and a harbor and a big forests in the middle of the big island. the name of the seven cities are Magic City, Reward City, Pirate City, Love City, G.I. City, Theif City, Treehouse Town.
People in this island can use cards to fight with each other. They can also use the card to fly to other cities. They can get the cards from buying it from the shop, doing quests to help people, getting the card from fighting, and competitions. People use “J” as a unit of money. People can buy cards from Magic City and get rewards from Reward city. People can get quest from Pirate City, Love City, and Thief City. Treehouse Town is a city in the middle of the forest there are a lot of animals and plant around the town because the town is surrounded by forests. G.I. City is mainly a place that has a big castle in the north of the city who I lived in. It is also the largest city in Greed Island.
Every kingdom has its own laws and rule in their kingdom. People in my kingdom doesn’t need to have too much laws. They can work as a hunter which hunts for treasure, money and things that they want. They have to pay tax. The amount of the money they have to pay for their tax is twenty percent of their salary. They can work for the government to pay their tax. The works in the government are like cleaning the rubbish of the cities. Making the city clean is the responsibility of all the people who live in the kingdom.
People can have a lot of time doing their own activities. Sometimes I will go to the battle stadium to fight with other people. The poeple can talk to me they can also tell me what to change or what is the kingdom happening. I can be just as a friend to the people who lives in the kingdom. I play with them and go adventure with them. People can go to the treehouse town to take adventures. We can catch bugs, snakes and go into caves. We can also research mines to see if there is gold and diamond in it.
People in this kingdom need to be eco-friendly. They need to do recycle and make less trash or the government will give the people who throw waste a fine. People who don’t obey the government will get a fine of not cleaning the environment. The people in the kingdom should be very careful litter about trash and waste or they will be send in to prison if they don’t listen.
I think I will make my kingdom much better and prettier. People don’t have to worry about what they eat or drink because the kingdom has a lot of resource to use. There is a farm near the treehouse town and a harbor at G.I. City which can trade a lot of things such as spice, herb and plant with other kingdoms. People can have all these things as they buy from the government. My kingdom is going to be more peaceful and eco-friendly. This is the future plans for our kingdom.
My kingdom is located in the middle of a sea which is seperate from other land. The name of my kingdom is called “Greed Island”. It is a big land that has a lot of trees and forests. It has seven cities and a harbor and a big forests in the middle of the big island. the name of the seven cities are Magic City, Reward City, Pirate City, Love City, G.I. City, Theif City, Treehouse Town.
People in this island can use cards to fight with each other. They can also use the card to fly to other cities. They can get the cards from buying it from the shop, doing quests to help people, getting the card from fighting, and competitions. People use “J” as a unit of money. People can buy cards from Magic City and get rewards from Reward city. People can get quest from Pirate City, Love City, and Thief City. Treehouse Town is a city in the middle of the forest there are a lot of animals and plant around the town because the town is surrounded by forests. G.I. City is mainly a place that has a big castle in the north of the city who I lived in. It is also the largest city in Greed Island.
Every kingdom has its own laws and rule in their kingdom. People in my kingdom doesn’t need to have too much laws. They can work as a hunter which hunts for treasure, money and things that they want. They have to pay tax. The amount of the money they have to pay for their tax is twenty percent of their salary. They can work for the government to pay their tax. The works in the government are like cleaning the rubbish of the cities. Making the city clean is the responsibility of all the people who live in the kingdom.
People can have a lot of time doing their own activities. Sometimes I will go to the battle stadium to fight with other people. The poeple can talk to me they can also tell me what to change or what is the kingdom happening. I can be just as a friend to the people who lives in the kingdom. I play with them and go adventure with them. People can go to the treehouse town to take adventures. We can catch bugs, snakes and go into caves. We can also research mines to see if there is gold and diamond in it.
People in this kingdom need to be eco-friendly. They need to do recycle and make less trash or the government will give the people who throw waste a fine. People who don’t obey the government will get a fine of not cleaning the environment. The people in the kingdom should be very careful litter about trash and waste or they will be send in to prison if they don’t listen.
I think I will make my kingdom much better and prettier. People don’t have to worry about what they eat or drink because the kingdom has a lot of resource to use. There is a farm near the treehouse town and a harbor at G.I. City which can trade a lot of things such as spice, herb and plant with other kingdoms. People can have all these things as they buy from the government. My kingdom is going to be more peaceful and eco-friendly. This is the future plans for our kingdom.
1000722 Meet the Spartans Movie Review-Michael
Diverse-Many different kinds.
Blockage-A plug, clog, or obstruction.
Blood clot- Dry crust formed over a wound or sore as it heals.
Arteries-A blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the rest of the body.
Vessel-A vein that carries blood in the body
Injury-Damage to a part of a body.
Pressure-A pushing force;when somthing presses on something else.
Irreversible-Not able to change or turn around.
Facial spasms-The muscles on your face twitch that you didn’t mean to do.
Demographic-Study of statistics of birts, deaths, etc in order to show the state of a community.
Contribute-To add to.
1000722 Meet the Spartans Movie Review-Michael
Meet the Spartans is directed by Jason Friedburg. The main actors are Sean Maguire, Carmen Electra, Kevin Sorbo and Ken Davitian. This a parody of the movie 300. This comedy takes scenes from a lot of movies as well. The writers change some of the movie scenes into very funny scenes.
The film opened with an old Spartan who was inspecting an ugly, talking baby ogre. The orge was taken from a scene from Shrek. The old Spartan abandoned it because of its deformity. The next child, who was Vietnamese was abandoned because of ethnicity. The last child called Leonidas was accepted and became a Spartan. He started his journey when he was a small boy and the movie followed his life. One of the most impressive scenes was when Leonidas fought Xerxes with his thirteen-people-army. Xerxes took a “Transformer Cube”, sat on a car, and transformed into a big robot which had a screen on his stomach just like Teletubbies. He called himself “Xerxestron” and was quite gigantic. At that part, Xerxestron was going to attack Leonidas but tripped over an electric wire which was part of himself. He fell down and squashed Leonidas and his army by accident. That was extremely funny; Leonidas died by chance.
I think Meet the Spartan could be improved by adding even more parody scenes because some parts of the movie scenes were not very funny. They were from other movies but the jokes fell flat. So, if the movie had more funny scenes, it could be better for a wider audience. The sound effects could also be stronger to emphasize the important parts of the movie. I also suggest cutting the last part where the main characters were dancing. I think the last part wasn’t connected to the main movie. Overall, it was a great film and you should see it.
By Alan Mozes
HealthDay Reporter
WEDNESDAY, July 20 (HealthDay News) -- Tall folks may be more likely than shorter people to develop cancer, new British research says.
Among women, the risk of breast, ovarian, uterine and bowel cancer, leukemia or melanoma appears to go up about 16 percent for every 4-inch bump in stature, the researchers said.
"Taller women in our study had increased risk of a wide range of cancers," said study co-author Jane Green, from the cancer epidemiology unit at the University of Oxford in England. "And all the evidence from past studies is that this link is seen equally in men and women."
The findings also suggest that gains in height over the 20th century -- Europeans' average height grew nearly half an inch per decade -- might help explain some of the cancer differences seen in recent generations, the researchers said.
While the study found an association between height and cancer risk, it did not prove a cause-and-effect.
One expert from the American Cancer Society said the finding should not spur panic among the more statuesque.
"Nobody will be trying to make themselves shorter to lower their cancer risk, and the current results do not mean tall people need additional cancer screening," Eric Jacobs, strategic director for pharmacoepidemiology at the cancer society, said in a statement.
And, he added, the advice to Americans of any height remains the same: "Both short and tall people can lower their risk of developing and dying from cancer by not smoking, maintaining a healthy weight, and getting the recommended cancer screening tests."
For their report, published online July 21 in The Lancet Oncology, the researchers analyzed data from the Million Women Study, conducted in the United Kingdom between 1996 and 2001.
The nearly 1.3 million middle-aged women enrolled in the study had undergone an initial routine breast-screening exam and completed a basic questionnaire that collected their weight and height.
None had been diagnosed with any cancer (other than some non-melanoma skin cancers), and they were tracked for more than nine years on average.
The study authors divided the women into six height categories, starting with those women less than 5 feet 1 inches tall, then adding four more groups of increasing height, and ending with the tallest group, which included women 5 feet 9 and taller.
Generally speaking, taller women tended to drink more alcohol and had fewer children than shorter women, the researchers found. Taller women were also less obese, less likely to smoke, wealthier, and more active.
Overall, regardless of most of these factors, taller women were significantly more likely to develop most cancers, with risk ratcheting upward with every increment in height.
One exception was that among women who smoked, smoking played a more pivotal role than height in influencing cancer risk.
The research team also reviewed the findings of 10 prior studies and found a similar association between height and cancer, a connection they said held across many different populations, including those in Europe, North America, Asia, and Australasia.
Of course, "people cannot change their height," Green acknowledged, "and being tall also has health advantages, such as lower risk of heart disease."
The American Cancer Society's Jacobs called the study "large and well designed" and he offered up some theories on what might be behind the link between height and cancer risk.
"One possibility is that taller people may have higher levels of growth-related hormones, both in childhood and in adulthood, and these growth-related hormones may modestly increase cancer risk," he said.
Many factors influence height, including childhood diet and health, genes and hormone levels, the study authors noted.
"The study is important not for individual or public health, but because it may help us to understand better how cancer develops," Green said.
TED Danny Hillis: Understanding cancer through proteomics-
I think the height of a person doesn’t really have any thing to do with cancer but report shows that taller people have a higher risk to get cancer. So maybe we should pay more attention to cancer.
Blockage-A plug, clog, or obstruction.
Blood clot- Dry crust formed over a wound or sore as it heals.
Arteries-A blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the rest of the body.
Vessel-A vein that carries blood in the body
Injury-Damage to a part of a body.
Pressure-A pushing force;when somthing presses on something else.
Irreversible-Not able to change or turn around.
Facial spasms-The muscles on your face twitch that you didn’t mean to do.
Demographic-Study of statistics of birts, deaths, etc in order to show the state of a community.
Contribute-To add to.
1000722 Meet the Spartans Movie Review-Michael
Meet the Spartans is directed by Jason Friedburg. The main actors are Sean Maguire, Carmen Electra, Kevin Sorbo and Ken Davitian. This a parody of the movie 300. This comedy takes scenes from a lot of movies as well. The writers change some of the movie scenes into very funny scenes.
The film opened with an old Spartan who was inspecting an ugly, talking baby ogre. The orge was taken from a scene from Shrek. The old Spartan abandoned it because of its deformity. The next child, who was Vietnamese was abandoned because of ethnicity. The last child called Leonidas was accepted and became a Spartan. He started his journey when he was a small boy and the movie followed his life. One of the most impressive scenes was when Leonidas fought Xerxes with his thirteen-people-army. Xerxes took a “Transformer Cube”, sat on a car, and transformed into a big robot which had a screen on his stomach just like Teletubbies. He called himself “Xerxestron” and was quite gigantic. At that part, Xerxestron was going to attack Leonidas but tripped over an electric wire which was part of himself. He fell down and squashed Leonidas and his army by accident. That was extremely funny; Leonidas died by chance.
I think Meet the Spartan could be improved by adding even more parody scenes because some parts of the movie scenes were not very funny. They were from other movies but the jokes fell flat. So, if the movie had more funny scenes, it could be better for a wider audience. The sound effects could also be stronger to emphasize the important parts of the movie. I also suggest cutting the last part where the main characters were dancing. I think the last part wasn’t connected to the main movie. Overall, it was a great film and you should see it.
By Alan Mozes
HealthDay Reporter
WEDNESDAY, July 20 (HealthDay News) -- Tall folks may be more likely than shorter people to develop cancer, new British research says.
Among women, the risk of breast, ovarian, uterine and bowel cancer, leukemia or melanoma appears to go up about 16 percent for every 4-inch bump in stature, the researchers said.
"Taller women in our study had increased risk of a wide range of cancers," said study co-author Jane Green, from the cancer epidemiology unit at the University of Oxford in England. "And all the evidence from past studies is that this link is seen equally in men and women."
The findings also suggest that gains in height over the 20th century -- Europeans' average height grew nearly half an inch per decade -- might help explain some of the cancer differences seen in recent generations, the researchers said.
While the study found an association between height and cancer risk, it did not prove a cause-and-effect.
One expert from the American Cancer Society said the finding should not spur panic among the more statuesque.
"Nobody will be trying to make themselves shorter to lower their cancer risk, and the current results do not mean tall people need additional cancer screening," Eric Jacobs, strategic director for pharmacoepidemiology at the cancer society, said in a statement.
And, he added, the advice to Americans of any height remains the same: "Both short and tall people can lower their risk of developing and dying from cancer by not smoking, maintaining a healthy weight, and getting the recommended cancer screening tests."
For their report, published online July 21 in The Lancet Oncology, the researchers analyzed data from the Million Women Study, conducted in the United Kingdom between 1996 and 2001.
The nearly 1.3 million middle-aged women enrolled in the study had undergone an initial routine breast-screening exam and completed a basic questionnaire that collected their weight and height.
None had been diagnosed with any cancer (other than some non-melanoma skin cancers), and they were tracked for more than nine years on average.
The study authors divided the women into six height categories, starting with those women less than 5 feet 1 inches tall, then adding four more groups of increasing height, and ending with the tallest group, which included women 5 feet 9 and taller.
Generally speaking, taller women tended to drink more alcohol and had fewer children than shorter women, the researchers found. Taller women were also less obese, less likely to smoke, wealthier, and more active.
Overall, regardless of most of these factors, taller women were significantly more likely to develop most cancers, with risk ratcheting upward with every increment in height.
One exception was that among women who smoked, smoking played a more pivotal role than height in influencing cancer risk.
The research team also reviewed the findings of 10 prior studies and found a similar association between height and cancer, a connection they said held across many different populations, including those in Europe, North America, Asia, and Australasia.
Of course, "people cannot change their height," Green acknowledged, "and being tall also has health advantages, such as lower risk of heart disease."
The American Cancer Society's Jacobs called the study "large and well designed" and he offered up some theories on what might be behind the link between height and cancer risk.
"One possibility is that taller people may have higher levels of growth-related hormones, both in childhood and in adulthood, and these growth-related hormones may modestly increase cancer risk," he said.
Many factors influence height, including childhood diet and health, genes and hormone levels, the study authors noted.
"The study is important not for individual or public health, but because it may help us to understand better how cancer develops," Green said.
TED Danny Hillis: Understanding cancer through proteomics-
I think the height of a person doesn’t really have any thing to do with cancer but report shows that taller people have a higher risk to get cancer. So maybe we should pay more attention to cancer.
2011年8月4日 星期四
1000803 The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy book report
1000803 The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy book report-Michael
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is a unique book, but the author, Douglas Adams writes too much nonsense in it which makes the book a little boring. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is a science fiction comedy, so naturally the author wrote a lot of jokes in it. Some of them are funny, some are loony and some of them are hard to catch. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy starts with the main character, Arthur Dent waking up in his house and finding out that his house is going to be demolished. The story follows his journey. A lot the funny jokes in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy involve Arthur in a battle with government power, so many of the comic moments exaggerates government errors.
When Arthur Dent wakes up in his house only to find a lot of bulldozers outside , he realizes that the workers standing were going to demolish his house. They tell him they want to make way for a new bypass. In real life the government can take your house if it needs to build a road, a building or something that can “make our life to better”, but the government needs to pay money or give you a new house of the same value as the old house. Otherwise, they can’t really blow up your house. In The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy the workers blow up Arthur’s house without his permission, just because they wanted to build a way for the bypass. This seems funny and extreme, yet the fact that it has been some people’s experience being kicked out with no concern for their welfare makes it even more clear the author is trying to attack the government whims.
Another funny part involved the Vogons. Vogons are a bad tempered, bureaucratic, officious and callous alien race. They want to build a hyperspatial express route through Earth so they decide to demolish Earth. Again this happens without any announcement to Earthlings, and they plan to destroy the whole planet in two minutes. In case we missed the point the first time government can’t be such selfish for their own benefits. The author is again pointing out that. He makes fun of the fact that the government oftten doesn’t listen to what people are going to say and that it often takes advantage of people who don’t know how to protect their rights.
The Vogons catch Arthur Dent and his friend Ford Perfect before they blow up Earth. Then they are tying Arthur and Ford up, they ask if the poem the Vogon wrote was great. The Vogons soon realized that Arthur is lying to them about being a poet so they decide to throw Arthur and Ford out to the vacuum space. This was not humane; the Vogons do not care about Arthur and Ford human rights. In the real world, some government official are just like the Vogons. They don’t care about what people want; all they care about is money and power. The way that Arthur and Ford are treated is just like the government officials who abuse humanity’s rights: tying people up and upon finding they are useless, kicking them out.
Another part that makes fun of the government is the part where Zaphod Beeblebrox steals the spaceship. Zaphod Beeblbrox is Ford’s semicousin who is also the president of the galaxy. Zaphod used his power to steal a spaceship called the Heart of Gold”. This is ironic because Heart of Goldmeans a person who is selfless and would do anything for others, yet he uses the ship to search for a legendary planet of Margrathea to satisfy his own desire. Government officials such as president should not use their own powers to do illegal things such as money laundering and stealing things; however, this still happens a lot. I think The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is making fun of the government officials for doing these illegal things.
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is a crazy book. The author, Douglas Adams, has a talented imagination, so he writes so many different scenes in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Not only is the book humororous, it also makes many valid critiques of government and society. such an interesting book.
1000803 The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy book report-Michael
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is a unique book, but the author, Douglas Adams writes too much nonsense in it which makes the book a little boring. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is a science fiction comedy, so naturally the author wrote a lot of jokes in it. Some of them are funny, some are loony and some of them are hard to catch. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy starts with the main character, Arthur Dent waking up in his house and finding out that his house is going to be demolished. The story follows his journey. A lot the funny jokes in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy involve Arthur in a battle with government power, so many of the comic moments exaggerates government errors.
When Arthur Dent wakes up in his house only to find a lot of bulldozers outside , he realizes that the workers standing were going to demolish his house. They tell him they want to make way for a new bypass. In real life the government can take your house if it needs to build a road, a building or something that can “make our life to better”, but the government needs to pay money or give you a new house of the same value as the old house. Otherwise, they can’t really blow up your house. In The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy the workers blow up Arthur’s house without his permission, just because they wanted to build a way for the bypass. This seems funny and extreme, yet the fact that it has been some people’s experience being kicked out with no concern for their welfare makes it even more clear the author is trying to attack the government whims.
Another funny part involved the Vogons. Vogons are a bad tempered, bureaucratic, officious and callous alien race. They want to build a hyperspatial express route through Earth so they decide to demolish Earth. Again this happens without any announcement to Earthlings, and they plan to destroy the whole planet in two minutes. In case we missed the point the first time government can’t be such selfish for their own benefits. The author is again pointing out that. He makes fun of the fact that the government oftten doesn’t listen to what people are going to say and that it often takes advantage of people who don’t know how to protect their rights.
The Vogons catch Arthur Dent and his friend Ford Perfect before they blow up Earth. Then they are tying Arthur and Ford up, they ask if the poem the Vogon wrote was great. The Vogons soon realized that Arthur is lying to them about being a poet so they decide to throw Arthur and Ford out to the vacuum space. This was not humane; the Vogons do not care about Arthur and Ford human rights. In the real world, some government official are just like the Vogons. They don’t care about what people want; all they care about is money and power. The way that Arthur and Ford are treated is just like the government officials who abuse humanity’s rights: tying people up and upon finding they are useless, kicking them out.
Another part that makes fun of the government is the part where Zaphod Beeblebrox steals the spaceship. Zaphod Beeblbrox is Ford’s semicousin who is also the president of the galaxy. Zaphod used his power to steal a spaceship called the Heart of Gold”. This is ironic because Heart of Goldmeans a person who is selfless and would do anything for others, yet he uses the ship to search for a legendary planet of Margrathea to satisfy his own desire. Government officials such as president should not use their own powers to do illegal things such as money laundering and stealing things; however, this still happens a lot. I think The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is making fun of the government officials for doing these illegal things.
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is a crazy book. The author, Douglas Adams, has a talented imagination, so he writes so many different scenes in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Not only is the book humororous, it also makes many valid critiques of government and society. such an interesting book.
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is a unique book, but the author, Douglas Adams writes too much nonsense in it which makes the book a little boring. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is a science fiction comedy, so naturally the author wrote a lot of jokes in it. Some of them are funny, some are loony and some of them are hard to catch. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy starts with the main character, Arthur Dent waking up in his house and finding out that his house is going to be demolished. The story follows his journey. A lot the funny jokes in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy involve Arthur in a battle with government power, so many of the comic moments exaggerates government errors.
When Arthur Dent wakes up in his house only to find a lot of bulldozers outside , he realizes that the workers standing were going to demolish his house. They tell him they want to make way for a new bypass. In real life the government can take your house if it needs to build a road, a building or something that can “make our life to better”, but the government needs to pay money or give you a new house of the same value as the old house. Otherwise, they can’t really blow up your house. In The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy the workers blow up Arthur’s house without his permission, just because they wanted to build a way for the bypass. This seems funny and extreme, yet the fact that it has been some people’s experience being kicked out with no concern for their welfare makes it even more clear the author is trying to attack the government whims.
Another funny part involved the Vogons. Vogons are a bad tempered, bureaucratic, officious and callous alien race. They want to build a hyperspatial express route through Earth so they decide to demolish Earth. Again this happens without any announcement to Earthlings, and they plan to destroy the whole planet in two minutes. In case we missed the point the first time government can’t be such selfish for their own benefits. The author is again pointing out that. He makes fun of the fact that the government oftten doesn’t listen to what people are going to say and that it often takes advantage of people who don’t know how to protect their rights.
The Vogons catch Arthur Dent and his friend Ford Perfect before they blow up Earth. Then they are tying Arthur and Ford up, they ask if the poem the Vogon wrote was great. The Vogons soon realized that Arthur is lying to them about being a poet so they decide to throw Arthur and Ford out to the vacuum space. This was not humane; the Vogons do not care about Arthur and Ford human rights. In the real world, some government official are just like the Vogons. They don’t care about what people want; all they care about is money and power. The way that Arthur and Ford are treated is just like the government officials who abuse humanity’s rights: tying people up and upon finding they are useless, kicking them out.
Another part that makes fun of the government is the part where Zaphod Beeblebrox steals the spaceship. Zaphod Beeblbrox is Ford’s semicousin who is also the president of the galaxy. Zaphod used his power to steal a spaceship called the Heart of Gold”. This is ironic because Heart of Goldmeans a person who is selfless and would do anything for others, yet he uses the ship to search for a legendary planet of Margrathea to satisfy his own desire. Government officials such as president should not use their own powers to do illegal things such as money laundering and stealing things; however, this still happens a lot. I think The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is making fun of the government officials for doing these illegal things.
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is a crazy book. The author, Douglas Adams, has a talented imagination, so he writes so many different scenes in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Not only is the book humororous, it also makes many valid critiques of government and society. such an interesting book.
1000803 The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy book report-Michael
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is a unique book, but the author, Douglas Adams writes too much nonsense in it which makes the book a little boring. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is a science fiction comedy, so naturally the author wrote a lot of jokes in it. Some of them are funny, some are loony and some of them are hard to catch. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy starts with the main character, Arthur Dent waking up in his house and finding out that his house is going to be demolished. The story follows his journey. A lot the funny jokes in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy involve Arthur in a battle with government power, so many of the comic moments exaggerates government errors.
When Arthur Dent wakes up in his house only to find a lot of bulldozers outside , he realizes that the workers standing were going to demolish his house. They tell him they want to make way for a new bypass. In real life the government can take your house if it needs to build a road, a building or something that can “make our life to better”, but the government needs to pay money or give you a new house of the same value as the old house. Otherwise, they can’t really blow up your house. In The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy the workers blow up Arthur’s house without his permission, just because they wanted to build a way for the bypass. This seems funny and extreme, yet the fact that it has been some people’s experience being kicked out with no concern for their welfare makes it even more clear the author is trying to attack the government whims.
Another funny part involved the Vogons. Vogons are a bad tempered, bureaucratic, officious and callous alien race. They want to build a hyperspatial express route through Earth so they decide to demolish Earth. Again this happens without any announcement to Earthlings, and they plan to destroy the whole planet in two minutes. In case we missed the point the first time government can’t be such selfish for their own benefits. The author is again pointing out that. He makes fun of the fact that the government oftten doesn’t listen to what people are going to say and that it often takes advantage of people who don’t know how to protect their rights.
The Vogons catch Arthur Dent and his friend Ford Perfect before they blow up Earth. Then they are tying Arthur and Ford up, they ask if the poem the Vogon wrote was great. The Vogons soon realized that Arthur is lying to them about being a poet so they decide to throw Arthur and Ford out to the vacuum space. This was not humane; the Vogons do not care about Arthur and Ford human rights. In the real world, some government official are just like the Vogons. They don’t care about what people want; all they care about is money and power. The way that Arthur and Ford are treated is just like the government officials who abuse humanity’s rights: tying people up and upon finding they are useless, kicking them out.
Another part that makes fun of the government is the part where Zaphod Beeblebrox steals the spaceship. Zaphod Beeblbrox is Ford’s semicousin who is also the president of the galaxy. Zaphod used his power to steal a spaceship called the Heart of Gold”. This is ironic because Heart of Goldmeans a person who is selfless and would do anything for others, yet he uses the ship to search for a legendary planet of Margrathea to satisfy his own desire. Government officials such as president should not use their own powers to do illegal things such as money laundering and stealing things; however, this still happens a lot. I think The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is making fun of the government officials for doing these illegal things.
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is a crazy book. The author, Douglas Adams, has a talented imagination, so he writes so many different scenes in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Not only is the book humororous, it also makes many valid critiques of government and society. such an interesting book.
2011年7月21日 星期四
1000719 Scary Movie 4 Movie Review-Michael(Edited)
Assumption-something you think is true although you have no proof.
Attacking-to deliberately uses physical violence against someone.
Blurry-to become difficult to see or make something difficult to see.
Boycott-to refuse to buy something, use something, or take part in something as a way of protesting.
Dimensional-the size of something, especially when this is given as its length, height, and width.
Dynamic-the way in which things or people behave, react, and affect each other.
Eyestrain-a pain you feel in your eyes
Industry-the people and organizations that work in industry.
Overlapped-the amount by which two things activities
Phenomenon-something or someone that is very unusual because of a rare quality or ability that they have.
Projected-to make the picture of a film, photograph appear in a larger form on a screen.
Technical-connected with practical knowledge, skills, or methods, especially in industrial or scientific work.
1000719 Scary Movie 4 Movie Review-Michael
Scary Movie 4 is the fourth in the Scary Movie series which is directed by David Zucker. The main actors are Anna Faris, Regina Hall, and Craig Bierko. The plot of this comedy movie is very funny. The screen writer, Craig Mazin, takes scenes from many different scary movies and mixes them up, resulting in a hilarious film. I think one thing that could make this movie better would be filming in 3D. It would help improve the theatrical use of the lighting and special effects.
The story is about Cindy Campbell, a girl who goes to take care of an old woman in her scary old home. At one point in the movie, Cindy and other supporting actors find themselves stuck in a bathroom with toilet shaped “venus fly traps” around their necks. Not only is it funny to see toilet seats around their neck, it is also clearly spoofing Saw 2’s venus fly trap scene. Another scene borrowed from the Saw series, this time Saw 1, is when supporting actors Dr. Phil and Shaqille O’Neal find their ankles chained in a bathroom. They have to leave the room in two minutes or the room will be filled with nerve gas, and then they will die. This always makes me laugh because after they realize they have to cut off their own legs to get out, they wind up cutting off the wrong legs!
I think Scary Movie 4 would be much improved with the use of 3D filming. Some of the scenes are a little dark, and having the feeling of being in the room would be more scary. Also, when the special effects moments come, like the Tripod aliens jumping out of the road, it would be even more funny to have them jumping out at my face. Overall, I think the movie is really worth seeing and recommend it for all audiences of an appropriate age.
Attacking-to deliberately uses physical violence against someone.
Blurry-to become difficult to see or make something difficult to see.
Boycott-to refuse to buy something, use something, or take part in something as a way of protesting.
Dimensional-the size of something, especially when this is given as its length, height, and width.
Dynamic-the way in which things or people behave, react, and affect each other.
Eyestrain-a pain you feel in your eyes
Industry-the people and organizations that work in industry.
Overlapped-the amount by which two things activities
Phenomenon-something or someone that is very unusual because of a rare quality or ability that they have.
Projected-to make the picture of a film, photograph appear in a larger form on a screen.
Technical-connected with practical knowledge, skills, or methods, especially in industrial or scientific work.
1000719 Scary Movie 4 Movie Review-Michael
Scary Movie 4 is the fourth in the Scary Movie series which is directed by David Zucker. The main actors are Anna Faris, Regina Hall, and Craig Bierko. The plot of this comedy movie is very funny. The screen writer, Craig Mazin, takes scenes from many different scary movies and mixes them up, resulting in a hilarious film. I think one thing that could make this movie better would be filming in 3D. It would help improve the theatrical use of the lighting and special effects.
The story is about Cindy Campbell, a girl who goes to take care of an old woman in her scary old home. At one point in the movie, Cindy and other supporting actors find themselves stuck in a bathroom with toilet shaped “venus fly traps” around their necks. Not only is it funny to see toilet seats around their neck, it is also clearly spoofing Saw 2’s venus fly trap scene. Another scene borrowed from the Saw series, this time Saw 1, is when supporting actors Dr. Phil and Shaqille O’Neal find their ankles chained in a bathroom. They have to leave the room in two minutes or the room will be filled with nerve gas, and then they will die. This always makes me laugh because after they realize they have to cut off their own legs to get out, they wind up cutting off the wrong legs!
I think Scary Movie 4 would be much improved with the use of 3D filming. Some of the scenes are a little dark, and having the feeling of being in the room would be more scary. Also, when the special effects moments come, like the Tripod aliens jumping out of the road, it would be even more funny to have them jumping out at my face. Overall, I think the movie is really worth seeing and recommend it for all audiences of an appropriate age.
2011年7月14日 星期四
1000715 Youtube-Michael
1000715 Youtube-Michael
1. What things can people do on Youtube?
We can share some movies, concerts, and TV shows on Youtube, get some information we might know by watching videos, and we can also post a comment by the video! We can listen to music by using Youtube and see the latest songs on Youtube.
2. What experiences do you have on using Youtube?
I saw Max posted some of his own made videos on Youtube, and I was very excited. Even only a few people watched it, but it was still very good for us. I also have and experience of watching Billboard and some funny movies on Youtube. Every week Max and I will see Billboard on Youtube to see the top fifty songs on the Billboard. Some of the songs are very popular everyone likes them a lot.
3. What things can Youtube help on homework?
Youtube also has a lot of resource to use. There a lot people who share their lessons to everyone and let people to see it. I have use Youtube to see MIT’s physic class which is teaching Newton’s three laws of motion which is very interesting. I also watched some teachers teaching junior high school’s lessons which are very useful.
4. What kind of conveniece when using Youtube to entertain yourself
We can see some concerts on Youtube, and some movies and music too, so we don’t need to see movies, concerts or buy some CD’s anymore! It is also very convenient to use Youtube because it is very easy to control we don’t have to search for a long time.
5. What videos would you share on Youtube?
I think I will share some funny jokes, funny movies, songs, and some games video. I want to share my things to everyone to let them see it. Maybe someone will give me some suggestions and tell me how to make it better and more popular.
1. What things can people do on Youtube?
We can share some movies, concerts, and TV shows on Youtube, get some information we might know by watching videos, and we can also post a comment by the video! We can listen to music by using Youtube and see the latest songs on Youtube.
2. What experiences do you have on using Youtube?
I saw Max posted some of his own made videos on Youtube, and I was very excited. Even only a few people watched it, but it was still very good for us. I also have and experience of watching Billboard and some funny movies on Youtube. Every week Max and I will see Billboard on Youtube to see the top fifty songs on the Billboard. Some of the songs are very popular everyone likes them a lot.
3. What things can Youtube help on homework?
Youtube also has a lot of resource to use. There a lot people who share their lessons to everyone and let people to see it. I have use Youtube to see MIT’s physic class which is teaching Newton’s three laws of motion which is very interesting. I also watched some teachers teaching junior high school’s lessons which are very useful.
4. What kind of conveniece when using Youtube to entertain yourself
We can see some concerts on Youtube, and some movies and music too, so we don’t need to see movies, concerts or buy some CD’s anymore! It is also very convenient to use Youtube because it is very easy to control we don’t have to search for a long time.
5. What videos would you share on Youtube?
I think I will share some funny jokes, funny movies, songs, and some games video. I want to share my things to everyone to let them see it. Maybe someone will give me some suggestions and tell me how to make it better and more popular.
2011年6月3日 星期五
1000603 Wicked Spring Weather-Michael
Wicked Spring Weather
Severe storm systems sweep across the south-central region of the U.S.
A deadly storm system continued to sweep through the nation's midsection on Tuesday night and early Wednesday, causing widespread destruction and injuries in several states. Pounding rain, flash flooding and strong winds damaged dozens of homes and toppled trees. The violent storm killed 173 people across five states.
Jason Byram carries his 4-year-old daughter, Shelby Daves, out of a rescue boat on April 26, in Poplar Bluff, Missouri. Many residents had to be evacuated on Monday after heavy rains caused dangerous flooding.
This round of wild weather comes just one day after a powerful storm system killed 11 people in Arkansas and Mississippi. On Monday, a tornado ripped through the town of Vilonia, Arkansas, in Faulkner County. The twister flattened homes, sent cars flying and tore down power lines. "It snapped overhead poles like they were toothpicks," said Faulkner County spokesman Stephan Hawks. "It was a heck of a little tornado."
A Season of Twisters
Much of the South was still struggling to pick up the pieces caused by flooding and earlier twisters when the latest series of storms struck on Tuesday. According to the Weather Channel, more than 290 confirmed tornadoes—and counting—have touched down in the U.S. in April. The number shatters the previous record, set in 1974, of 267 tornadoes in the same month.
The National Weather Service issued several tornado warnings in the region on Tuesday. Officials in Alabama reported two suspected tornadoes in Marshall County, near Birmingham. According to the National Weather Service in Fort Worth, Texas, at least one twister had hit between the small towns of Edom and Van, in East Texas.
"You could see lumber and stuff swirling in it," said resident Rhonda Modesitt, 45. She and her 15-year-old son had watched the tornado spin toward their apartment. "You could hear it coming through and then it got really still."
On April 22, a twister slammed Lambert Airport in St. Louis, Missouri, causing severe damage and chaos. The airport was closed after the tornado hit, but is now operating at near full capacity again. It was one of five twisters to hit Eastern Missouri on Friday.
The storm system is set to head east across the nation this week, affecting states from New York to Georgia.
1000603 Wicked Spring Weather-Michael
Tornadoes are terrible things. They can destroy a lot of places and things. Storms are also terrible. They can bring a lot of rain, floods and even mudslides. These disasters can cause us to death so it is better to have less of these disaster happen. The violent, big storm killed 173 people during it goes across five states in America. A lot of place in America is getting in the wild weather. Such as tornado, which comes in spring they can suck up a lot of thing and bring them to a distance away where they were before. In April, there are more than two hundred and ninty tornadoes touch down in the U.S. So Americans are used to have a lot of tornadoes in the spring.
Severe storm systems sweep across the south-central region of the U.S.
A deadly storm system continued to sweep through the nation's midsection on Tuesday night and early Wednesday, causing widespread destruction and injuries in several states. Pounding rain, flash flooding and strong winds damaged dozens of homes and toppled trees. The violent storm killed 173 people across five states.
Jason Byram carries his 4-year-old daughter, Shelby Daves, out of a rescue boat on April 26, in Poplar Bluff, Missouri. Many residents had to be evacuated on Monday after heavy rains caused dangerous flooding.
This round of wild weather comes just one day after a powerful storm system killed 11 people in Arkansas and Mississippi. On Monday, a tornado ripped through the town of Vilonia, Arkansas, in Faulkner County. The twister flattened homes, sent cars flying and tore down power lines. "It snapped overhead poles like they were toothpicks," said Faulkner County spokesman Stephan Hawks. "It was a heck of a little tornado."
A Season of Twisters
Much of the South was still struggling to pick up the pieces caused by flooding and earlier twisters when the latest series of storms struck on Tuesday. According to the Weather Channel, more than 290 confirmed tornadoes—and counting—have touched down in the U.S. in April. The number shatters the previous record, set in 1974, of 267 tornadoes in the same month.
The National Weather Service issued several tornado warnings in the region on Tuesday. Officials in Alabama reported two suspected tornadoes in Marshall County, near Birmingham. According to the National Weather Service in Fort Worth, Texas, at least one twister had hit between the small towns of Edom and Van, in East Texas.
"You could see lumber and stuff swirling in it," said resident Rhonda Modesitt, 45. She and her 15-year-old son had watched the tornado spin toward their apartment. "You could hear it coming through and then it got really still."
On April 22, a twister slammed Lambert Airport in St. Louis, Missouri, causing severe damage and chaos. The airport was closed after the tornado hit, but is now operating at near full capacity again. It was one of five twisters to hit Eastern Missouri on Friday.
The storm system is set to head east across the nation this week, affecting states from New York to Georgia.
1000603 Wicked Spring Weather-Michael
Tornadoes are terrible things. They can destroy a lot of places and things. Storms are also terrible. They can bring a lot of rain, floods and even mudslides. These disasters can cause us to death so it is better to have less of these disaster happen. The violent, big storm killed 173 people during it goes across five states in America. A lot of place in America is getting in the wild weather. Such as tornado, which comes in spring they can suck up a lot of thing and bring them to a distance away where they were before. In April, there are more than two hundred and ninty tornadoes touch down in the U.S. So Americans are used to have a lot of tornadoes in the spring.
2011年5月27日 星期五
1000527 A Terrible Twister –Michael
A Terrible Twister
After a devastating tornado, the people of Joplin, Missouri, pick up the pieces
By Suzanne Zimbler
On Sunday evening, a powerful tornado tore through the town of Joplin, Missouri, creating a devastating path of destruction. Twenty minutes before the tornado touched down, warning sirens sounded, and residents scrambled to find cover or leave town. But for many, 20 minutes was not enough time.
People struggle to salvage items from homes ripped apart by Sunday's tornado.
The tornado touched down at around 6:00 p.m. It destroyed thousands of homes and business, injured 750 people and killed at least 122 people. Three days later, as residents start to pick up the pieces, the search for missing victims continues. "We are still in search-and-rescue mode," said Mark Rohr, Joplin's city manager.
A Mighty Tornado
Sunday's tornado was the country's eighth deadliest since record-keeping began in 1840. The National Weather Service said the twister was an EF5, the highest rating possible on a scale of tornado power and intensity.
Bill Davis, the lead forecaster on a National Weather Service team, said that only an unusually powerful tornado could destroy so many sturdy buildings, including a hospital, a bank and a Pepsi bottling plant. "Numerous well-built residential homes were basically leveled," he said.
The Road to Recovery
With four school buildings destroyed, class has been cancelled for all Joplin students for the rest of the school year. But officials have vowed to be ready for the new school year to begin on August 17, as scheduled.
Rescuers are traveling from house to house, searching for survivors.
The district is working to determine which buildings can be used. Some Joplin students may be sent to attend school in other districts. "We definitely have a deadline, and we're looking to make that happen," Superintendent C.J. Huff told The Joplin Globe.
As Joplin residents turned their attention to recovery efforts, violent weather struck the Midwest again on Tuesday and Wednesday. Tornados tore through parts of Oklahoma, Arkansas and Kansas, killing at least 14 people.
With so many communities devastated by the recent twisters, many wonder how they can lend a hand. The American Red Cross has set up a donation page that allows you to give directly to tornado relief. For more information, visit
1000527 A Terrible Twister –Michael
Tornadoes are terrible disasters if they come they will destroy a lot of things. In America there are lots of tornadoes hitting people they often destroy everything. What is a tornado? A tornado is a dagerous, violent rotating column of air that is in contact with both the surface of the earth and a cumulonimbus cloud or, in rare cases, the base of a cumulus cloud. People often call them as twister, tornado or cyclone. The tornado often has a destructive power which sucks everything up in the sky until the tornado vanish. When the tornado disappear all the things that the tornado sucks up will fall down to the ground. People are afraid of the tornado because the tornado might destroy their houses and farms they can also cause death. Even more when a tornado sweeps over a place you will need to spend a lot of time rebuilding the things back to normal. The tornado which striked Joplin, Missouri had destoyed four schools. It let the class cancelled for the rest of the years. So children have to study in other school or study by themselves. So tornadoes are very terrible.
After a devastating tornado, the people of Joplin, Missouri, pick up the pieces
By Suzanne Zimbler
On Sunday evening, a powerful tornado tore through the town of Joplin, Missouri, creating a devastating path of destruction. Twenty minutes before the tornado touched down, warning sirens sounded, and residents scrambled to find cover or leave town. But for many, 20 minutes was not enough time.
People struggle to salvage items from homes ripped apart by Sunday's tornado.
The tornado touched down at around 6:00 p.m. It destroyed thousands of homes and business, injured 750 people and killed at least 122 people. Three days later, as residents start to pick up the pieces, the search for missing victims continues. "We are still in search-and-rescue mode," said Mark Rohr, Joplin's city manager.
A Mighty Tornado
Sunday's tornado was the country's eighth deadliest since record-keeping began in 1840. The National Weather Service said the twister was an EF5, the highest rating possible on a scale of tornado power and intensity.
Bill Davis, the lead forecaster on a National Weather Service team, said that only an unusually powerful tornado could destroy so many sturdy buildings, including a hospital, a bank and a Pepsi bottling plant. "Numerous well-built residential homes were basically leveled," he said.
The Road to Recovery
With four school buildings destroyed, class has been cancelled for all Joplin students for the rest of the school year. But officials have vowed to be ready for the new school year to begin on August 17, as scheduled.
Rescuers are traveling from house to house, searching for survivors.
The district is working to determine which buildings can be used. Some Joplin students may be sent to attend school in other districts. "We definitely have a deadline, and we're looking to make that happen," Superintendent C.J. Huff told The Joplin Globe.
As Joplin residents turned their attention to recovery efforts, violent weather struck the Midwest again on Tuesday and Wednesday. Tornados tore through parts of Oklahoma, Arkansas and Kansas, killing at least 14 people.
With so many communities devastated by the recent twisters, many wonder how they can lend a hand. The American Red Cross has set up a donation page that allows you to give directly to tornado relief. For more information, visit
1000527 A Terrible Twister –Michael
Tornadoes are terrible disasters if they come they will destroy a lot of things. In America there are lots of tornadoes hitting people they often destroy everything. What is a tornado? A tornado is a dagerous, violent rotating column of air that is in contact with both the surface of the earth and a cumulonimbus cloud or, in rare cases, the base of a cumulus cloud. People often call them as twister, tornado or cyclone. The tornado often has a destructive power which sucks everything up in the sky until the tornado vanish. When the tornado disappear all the things that the tornado sucks up will fall down to the ground. People are afraid of the tornado because the tornado might destroy their houses and farms they can also cause death. Even more when a tornado sweeps over a place you will need to spend a lot of time rebuilding the things back to normal. The tornado which striked Joplin, Missouri had destoyed four schools. It let the class cancelled for the rest of the years. So children have to study in other school or study by themselves. So tornadoes are very terrible.
2011年1月29日 星期六
1000129 大學學測作文-Michael

1000129 大學學測作文-Michael
There was fancy ball, which everyone needed to wear a mask and fancy costumes. There was a young man called, Johnny he was looking at a pretty girl. The girl who was called Ann also saw Johnny, and then all of a sudden they saw each other and fell in love. Johnny asked where Ann lived and he also wanted her cell phone number. The next day, Johnny went to Ann’s place with his lovely yellow guitar. He stood outside of Ann’s house and started to sing a lovely song. Just then, a man opened the window and yelled at him, “What the hell are doing at there? Are you making some noise? You are disturbing us! If you don’t leave I’ll take a bazooka and shoot you!” Johnny was frighten but he didn’t give up to see Ann. He yelled, “Ann, I am Johnny please come down and see me!” Then Ann came down, she said, “Johnny, I really love you but I am a lesbian!” Johnny was so shock that he said, “Actually, I am a girl” and then he took off his mask. So Johnny and Ann lived together happily forever!
2011年1月21日 星期五
1000121 Traditional Chinese New Year Fun with Trendy New Twist-Michael
1000121 Traditional Chinese New Year Fun with Trendy New Twist-Michael
The Lunar Chinese New Year is one of our traditional cultures. It is very special because a lot of foreign countries don’t have this holiday. During the Chinese New Year, also called the Spring Festival, people will go to buy a lot of New Year goods, give others red envelope, cleaning the house, and putting up the Spring Festival couplets. We also eat New Year’s Meal, on that day families get together and have a feast together. Every dish has a meaning for it. I think Chinese New Year has a great meaning for me not only because I can get a lot of red envelopes but also means that I am older and I need to have more responsibility. So Chinese New Year is very important to our life.
The Lunar Chinese New Year is one of our traditional cultures. It is very special because a lot of foreign countries don’t have this holiday. During the Chinese New Year, also called the Spring Festival, people will go to buy a lot of New Year goods, give others red envelope, cleaning the house, and putting up the Spring Festival couplets. We also eat New Year’s Meal, on that day families get together and have a feast together. Every dish has a meaning for it. I think Chinese New Year has a great meaning for me not only because I can get a lot of red envelopes but also means that I am older and I need to have more responsibility. So Chinese New Year is very important to our life.
2011年1月7日 星期五
1000107 Taiwan’s Tea Culture-Michael
1000107 Taiwan’s Tea Culture-Michael
Tea has been an important part of the Taiwan culture. From green tea and oolong tea to bubble tea and pearl milk tea, the tea culture has been existed for a long time. Tea is very important to Taiwanese people. Why Taiwanese people like tea? Taiwan’s climate and geography makes a good place to grow tea. So people started to grow tea since 1970. Tea was a good thing at that time because people can sell tea to other countries and make money by selling them. Nowadays, people open a lot of tea shops these tea shops have a lot of different tea like black tea, green tea, pearl milk tea and others too. I think Taiwan’s tea culture is something that is very special so I think people should keep this culture and make it better.
Tea has been an important part of the Taiwan culture. From green tea and oolong tea to bubble tea and pearl milk tea, the tea culture has been existed for a long time. Tea is very important to Taiwanese people. Why Taiwanese people like tea? Taiwan’s climate and geography makes a good place to grow tea. So people started to grow tea since 1970. Tea was a good thing at that time because people can sell tea to other countries and make money by selling them. Nowadays, people open a lot of tea shops these tea shops have a lot of different tea like black tea, green tea, pearl milk tea and others too. I think Taiwan’s tea culture is something that is very special so I think people should keep this culture and make it better.
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