1000129 大學學測作文-Michael
There was fancy ball, which everyone needed to wear a mask and fancy costumes. There was a young man called, Johnny he was looking at a pretty girl. The girl who was called Ann also saw Johnny, and then all of a sudden they saw each other and fell in love. Johnny asked where Ann lived and he also wanted her cell phone number. The next day, Johnny went to Ann’s place with his lovely yellow guitar. He stood outside of Ann’s house and started to sing a lovely song. Just then, a man opened the window and yelled at him, “What the hell are doing at there? Are you making some noise? You are disturbing us! If you don’t leave I’ll take a bazooka and shoot you!” Johnny was frighten but he didn’t give up to see Ann. He yelled, “Ann, I am Johnny please come down and see me!” Then Ann came down, she said, “Johnny, I really love you but I am a lesbian!” Johnny was so shock that he said, “Actually, I am a girl” and then he took off his mask. So Johnny and Ann lived together happily forever!