2010年12月31日 星期五

991231 The Holidays are Here!-Michael

December 13, 2010
The Holidays are Here!
Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa are celebrated in December


A boy plays the dreidel game, a Hanukkah tradition.

Each December, many people around the world celebrate holidays and traditions that are special to their culture and religion. Christmas is celebrated on December 25. This year, the first night of Hanukkah is on December 1. Kwanzaa begins on December 26.
Celebrating Christmas
On Christmas, Christians honor the birth of Jesus Christ. They celebrate the day with prayers, gifts and stories. In one Christmas tradition, a jolly, bearded man named Santa Claus brings gifts to good children on Christmas Eve. Each country has its own traditions for Christmas celebrations. In the sixteenth century, Germans started the Christmas-tree tradition as we now know it. They brought trees into their homes and decorated them with fruits, nuts, lighted candles and paper roses.
The Story of Hanukkah
This year, Jews began celebrating Hanukkah at sunset on December 11. The holiday lasts eight days and nights. In Hebrew, the word "Hanukkah" means "dedication." Hanukkah honors a struggle that dates back to 165 B.C., when Jews defeated an invading army and regained the Temple at Jerusalem. According to legend, Jews found a lamp inside the temple with just enough oil to light their holy lamps for one night. By some miracle, the legend goes, it burned for eight nights. Today, Jews celebrate Hanukkah by lighting a candle in a menorah for each of the eight nights.


Families celebrate the principles of African-American culture during Kwanzaa.

Kwanzaa Traditions
Many African Americans celebrate Kwanzaa to honor their cultural roots in Africa. Kwanzaa is modeled after a series of cultural principles called Kawaida. According to Kawaida, African Americans can improve their lives by getting back in touch with their cultural roots. The holiday lasts seven days and nights, each marked by the lighting of a candle that represents a principle of family and community.
Peace on Earth
People of many backgrounds and belief systems spend time in December reflecting on the year that is coming to an end, then setting goals and making plans for the new year to come. The beginning of the dark, chilly winter seems a good time to gather loved ones around a fire or a candlelit table and celebrate the new beginning that we all share at the end of every December.


991231 The Holidays are Here!-Michael
Each December, many people around the world celebrate Christmas. Christmas is celebrated on December 25th. Christmas is a traditional day for the Christians because Jesus Christ born on that day. In Christmas, children celebrate the holiday with prayers, gifts and stories. An old man with a white beard called “Santa Claus” will come out this day with his reindeers. Santa Claus will give Christmas presents to all the children. People will also decorate their house with Christmas tree, stockings and Christmas lights. Families will also have a Christmas feast together. It is a great day for children because they can have a lot of presents and happiness. We also can have a snow ball fight during the Christmas. People will also sing Christmas songs such as “Santa Claus is coming to town” and “We wish you a Merry Christmas”
