2010年9月10日 星期五

990910 Wildfires Rip Through Colorado –Michael

Wildfires Rip Through Colorado
A fast-moving wildfire destroys dozens of homes near Boulder
Strong winds—some with gusts of 45 miles per hour—spread a large wildfire through Fourmile Canyon near Boulder, Colorado, on Monday morning. The blaze forced more than 3,000 people out of their homes. So far, officials say about 1,000 homes have been evacuated and dozens have been destroyed.
Fast-Moving Flames
The five-square-mile blaze spread quickly through three canyons, causing officials to close roads. Giant plumes of smoke filled the sky, some of which could be seen for miles.
Tom Neur, whose house was destroyed by the fire, drove through a wall of flames to escape the fast-moving fire. "The bumper is melted off in the front of the van," he said. His wife, Anna, who had been evacuated earlier, was relieved to hear that he had survived the blaze. "I don't care about the house," she told him. "I'm just glad you're ok."
No Cause Yet
Officials say they have not determined the cause of the fire, but area residents think dry weather is to blame. "We haven't had any rain in almost a month. Maybe more than a month," said Craig Douglas, who was forced to leave his home. "The humidity the last couple of days had been in the single digits, so it was a fire waiting to happen."
Nancy Engellenner and her husband Philip Helper believe they may have lost their home in the fire. "The way the wind was, it was just spitting flames everywhere," said Engellenner. They won't know for sure until it's safe to return to the area.
Although high winds make the fire difficult to control, firefighters hope to have it completely under control by Tuesday.

990910 Wildfires Rip Through Colorado –Michael
There was a big fire in Fourmile Canyon, Colorado. The fire was very big and very scary. The big fire has destroyed one thousand homes and there were about three thousand people had no homes to live because of the big fire. The fire burnt a lot of places and a lot of people had just escaped from the deadly fire. The reason of the wildfire is because of the dry weather. It didn’t rain for about one month and all the dry woods might be the reason of the dry woods. The dry forest doesn’t have enough water so it causes big fire. The wildfire not only burned a lot tree but also damaged the environment. The wildfire might also cause mudslides and air pollution. When the tree burns it will make a lot of carbon dioxide (CO2) the carbon dioxide will cause the global warming and the earth will get hotter and hotter. When the atmosphere has too much carbon dioxide, it will make a lot of problems. So having a wildfire isn’t really a good thing.
