2010年9月24日 星期五

990924 It's a Bird...It's a Plane...It's Jupiter!

It's a Bird...It's a Plane...It's Jupiter!
On Monday, the planet will come closer to Earth than it has since 1963

Do you have plans tonight? How about a date with Jupiter? For the first time in nearly 50 years, the planet will be just 368 million miles away from Earth. You can catch a glimpse as the sun goes down. The planet won't appear as big or bright again for another 12 years.
A Shining Planet
Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. Right now, it is three times brighter than Sirius, the brightest star in the sky. Only the moon outshines Jupiter.
Around dusk on Monday, Jupiter, along with its many moons, will rise in the east. By midnight, the planet will be directly overhead. Binoculars and telescopes will not be not needed to see the planet, but they will improve the view. "Jupiter is so bright right now, you don't need a sky map to find it," says astronomer Tony Phillips. "You just walk outside and see it."
But Wait, There's More!
Jupiter is not the only planet making a rare appearance tonight. Coincidentally, Uranus will also come closer to Earth than it normally does. It is "a once in a lifetime event," says Phillips.
Uranus will be difficult to see with the naked eye. The planet will be 1.7 billion miles away from Earth—much farther than Jupiter. But through a telescope, the two planets will appear to be side-by-side. Uranus will shine like an emerald-colored disc.
If it is cloudy where you live tonight, Phillips says don't give up. Jupiter will remain relatively close for many weeks. And early risers are in luck: You can see Jupiter setting in the west just before sunrise.


990924 It's a Bird...It's a Plane...It's Jupiter! -Michael
Jupiter is a big planet. It is the first time nearly fifty years. Jupiter will be seen by naked eye on September 20th. Jupiter became very big on that day. The planet, Jupiter, will not be seen that big and bright for twelve years. That means that in twelve years, September 20th will be the greatest day to see Jupiter. I have never seen a planet with naked eye. Jupiter was so big on that day and it was also very bright. And also at that day, Uranus also can be seen on the telescope. It is just right beside Jupiter but we can not see it from our eyes we need a telescope to see it because Uranus is too far for us to see it with naked eyes. There are about 63 natural satellites around Jupiter unlike Earth, we only have one moon. Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun and it is also the biggest planet in our solar system. Jupiter is made by a lot of gases such as hydrogen and helium. It is not like the Earth, our planet is made by rock, soil, lava, water. There is not any water or oxygen on Jupiter so we ca not live on there. Maybe if we have a chance we could go to Jupiter too.
